
Here you can read about how you can use the libraries in Allerød. You will also find information about the registration process, our fine rates and our regulations.

The library is for everyone

Use of the Danish public library system is free of charge. To borrow books and other materials you will need to register as a library user. Please note that some library services are only available to local residents.


How to register as a library user

You can register as a library user in person or online using MitID. You will need to choose a 4-digit PIN, which will be used as your library password. Your Danish health card is your library card, and is for personal use only. You are responsible for all items borrowed on your card.

Please notify the library, if you change your address, e-mail address, telephone number, etc.

If you are under age 16 you can choose whether you use your Danish health card or would prefer to be issued a library card.

In order to borrow, request and renew books, you need to be registered as a library user. Your CPR-number and PIN give you access to your user status as well as the library’s digital services. Please note that some services are only available for residents of Allerød.

How to borrow items

Borrowing items is free and the standard loan period is 30 days. Some items have a shorter loan period. You can see when your items are due on your receipt.

You borrow books at our two libraries through the self-serivce machines located there. You can choose english on the screen. You are always welcome to ask for help from the librarians - we are happy to help!


Returning items

You use the self-service machines when you return your items as well. Remember to take your receipt (paper or email) when you return your items. It is your documentation that you have returned your items.

You can see when you need to return your items on your lending receipt or on our homepage, where you also can keep track of your reserved items.

You can receive a reminder by e-mail 3 days before your items are due. You are responsible for remembering your due date, even if the reminder message is not received.

If you return your items after the due date you will need to pay a fee. Fees are listed below.



If you return your items after their due date, you need to pay a fee, even if you haven’t received a recall notice.

These are the fees:

Time overdueChildren (0-15)Adults
1-7 days10 kr20 kr
8-21 days20 kr45 kr
22-35 days30 kr80 kr
36 days -100 kr230 kr

You need to pay the fees through the invoice you recieve either through Digital Post or as a physical letter. If you experience problems with this, you can contact the muncipality's economic-department at 4812 6100.


Requesting items

You can reserve items using the library homepage or by contacting the librarians - either personally in the staffed service hours, through e-mail or phone. 

You will receive a message by email when your items are ready to collect. If the library doesn’t have an item, we will try to order it from another library.


Renewing items

You can renew your loans using our homepage, our self-service machines or by contacting the librarians. Items that other users are waiting for can not be renewed.

Please note that there can be restrictions on how many times you can renew an item. Some items can not be renewed.


Replacing items

If you damage, destroy or lose an item, you will be billed for it’s replacement costs. The library assumes no responsibility for damage caused to a user's equipment by items borrowed from the library.


Limits and bans

The library is for everyone. You are expected to behave appropriately both in the library and online and follow  staff instructions. The library computers and wireless network may not be used to watch or distribute pornographic, violent or racist information. If you don’t follow these rules you can be banned from using the library for a period of time.

Your borrowing rights can also be suspended if you repeatedly fail to return borrowed items, return them in damaged condition or owe more than 200 DKK in fines. A seven days written notice will be given prior to exclusion. A bailiff's order may be implemented regarding outstanding fees.


Wireless network

You can use our wireless network AK-net without logging in.


Data protection policy

The libraries comply with the provisions of the "Lov om behandling af personoplysninger" (The Act on Processing of Personal Data).


Refunds for replaced items

Allerød Library will refund the replacement cost (but not the fee) if you find an item and return it within 6 months of its replacement date. The item must be complete and undamaged, and you need to bring the bill and receipt to Allerød Library.